Marta Prominska, In Conversation
No man knows till he has suffered from the night, how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be. ~Bram Stoker Marta! What a complete honour and joy to have this rendezvous to sit and chat. In the last several days and nights, I have been immersed in the paintings and score of....Oneness. I cannot remember the last time I was so completely seduced by a body of work. Probably many years ago when I got the chance to view John Singer Sargent's 'Portrait of Madame X' and 'Fumee d ambre gris' at a small museum in the Berkshires.....but not since and until, Oneness. Congratulations on such a brilliant tour de force! Thank you very much for invitation, I am really honoured! I am so surprised that you’ve mentioned "Portrait of Madame X”, because it is very special painting to me. It shows your extraordinary sensitivity. The way of capturing emotions in this seemingly ordinary image is amazing. My mind is flooding with questions but I would like to star...