

Loving someone is one of the easiest things to do but also one of the scariest things to do. It requires bravery and risk.
I do not speak singularly on romantic love but the love of anyone we may choose to let into our heart. Friend, lover, family.
To love means you will experience great joy, the highest highs and a happiness that sometimes leaves you breathless. To love means a kinship with another being, another soul. Another beating heart.
It will warm your shoulders like the brightest sunshine when it is good and leave you gutted and empty like a bitter cold, rainy November day when it has gone wrong.
It one moment it is the very thing that keeps your heart beating and in the next it is the very thing that has left your heart jagged, broken with no promise it shall ever heal.
To love, to truly Love anyone, requires that you meet people just where they are in life. Not where you want them to be. To accept who they are, not who you wish them to be. Allow them to accompany your growth and as you walk alongside them through their own.
The most important thing any worthwhile love will encounter is forgiveness because eventually, there will be pain. Hurt. Sadness.
Forgiveness because sometimes you will have to let love go or because you want love to stay.
Love requires that we cultivate gentleness.


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