10 Good Habits for a Highly Motivated Life
- Be internally motivated.
Cultivate a desire to be your best self and strive towards that ideal. Be driven towards new adventures and relish not only the unfolding journey but the idea of possible outcomes. Challenge yourself. Explore. Whatever inspires you...keep focused on that. Feed on that desire.
2. Don't waste time comparing yourself to others.
Observe the success of those you admire. Learn from them. Don't waste precious time judging or gossiping about others. It's profoundly un-productive and corrosive to your spirit. Pay attention to your own road ahead and continue paving that.
3. Look at the upside.
Life isn't easy. If it was, I probably wouldn't be making a list like this. It's okay and even healthy to acknowledge that life is unfair but don't pitch a tent and stay too long on the shores of self pity. There is almost always a silver lining. Try and find the opportunity in hardship and use it to your advantage.
4. Remain Curious
Become a brilliant observer. Read a lot. Do new things. Get out of your comfort zone. Never. Stop. Learning. It's as simple as that.
5. Know what you want.
It never once occurred to me as a teenager that I couldn't be a rock star. Somewhere in the midst of my messy teen years I flipped burgers for a few months and bought an electric guitar and amp. It was a BC Rich Bich to be exact---hot pink with a small Peavey amplifier. Anyone I admired back then was a rock star ---this was the hot and heavy metal 80's after all. Why couldn't I be the next Lita Ford and be featured in Hit Parader? It was a short-lived dream and that guitar ended up in the hands of a true musician but there was never a thought in my mind that I couldn't become a rock star if I really put my mind to it. All of my life, I have always known what I wanted no matter how lofty or humble. Immediately or big picture---I never stop and I remain focused.
6. Don't give up.
If you don't do it, somebody else will. Somebody with more guts and persistence. That singular thought should keep you focused on whatever it is.
7. Stay true to yourself
Be true to yourself despite what others think. Most folks aren't sure of much, including themselves. Don't listen to those people.
8. Birds of a feather
Stay in your milieu. Surround yourself with positive, motivated people. In turn, always try and bring out the best in others. All around, it just feels good.
9. Take time for yourself
In the midst of life's madness and scramble, take much needed time to decompress. Walk, read, write a letter, bake a cake.....whatever pushes your internal reset button. Time to yourself is essential to giving anything else in your life proper attention.
10. Enjoy small pleasures
Taking honest pleasure in all the small things really helps you enjoy the big stuff. You are evermore grateful for the downhill ride because you allowed yourself to take joy in the climb!
CJ Ellis

CJ Ellis

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