Terms of My Heart

My heart.
If I feel like I can love you, capturing it should be easy.
I won't make you run too far or too hard for it
Though I certainly won't be handing it to you on a golden plate.
My heart.
Why shall I offer it's terms if you have already stolen it?
Like stormy wind through the trees
You've blown through and snatched it up
like a dark hooded thief
My heart.
You snuck in when I wasn't looking.
Your love melting into it's passages and corners
Insistent and insidious
Making it far too easy for me to take
and take some more
When my heart desires your heart as equally
No amount of earnest endeavor, love larceny or guileful trick
could ever break it's code.
You were born with the code inscribed in your soul
and that made all the difference.
~CJ Ellis
© 2019CJEllisLTD.
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