It's Been Awhile.......


It's been awhile. Life has gotten in the way in lots of good ways. I am glad to be back. 

~ CJ Ellis

I am sipping pumpkin spiced coffee in a mug with a Christmas tree on it in the middle of August. The sun is hanging in a nearly cloudless blue sky……and for the first time in a very long while, I am not wishing I was somewhere else.
It’s a feeling I am embracing wholeheartedly because for me, it’s about damned time. It’s not amusing or fun to be a restless soul. It’s not romantic. It’s a burden and a pain in the ass.
We all land where we are supposed to when we are supposed to. Even if  at times the ride seems endless.
This morning I sat for a long time in front of this computer screen wondering what my inaugural ‘scribble’ would be about. I guess this is as honest as it gets today. For the first time in almost 12 years……I didn’t wish I was anywhere but here.
It’s about damned time.
For today, I suppose that’s good enough.

I don’t know
if Mama was right
or if it… it’s
Lieutenant Dan.
I don’t know…
if we each have a…
or if we’re all just
floating around accidental-like
on a breeze…
but l… I think…
maybe it’s both.
Maybe both get happening
at the same time…
Forrest Gump


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