Hidden Stories, Hidden Hearts
"Be ten times more magnanimous than you believe yourself capable of being. Your life will be a hundred times better for it". ~ Cheryl Strayed
There is a guy who lives a few doors down from me that may possibly be the most wretched human being I have come across in years. He sits on his porch with a knife, whittling away at small pieces of wood and stares at you with disgust as you bounce by on your morning walk. His face twisted into a surly frown because his soul is simmering in some irritable, foul smelling stew of human despair. What is his deal? I am sure he has one but I don't know what it is.... I only hear rumors.
The woman in front of you in line at the bank. Impeccably dressed with an imperious air about her as her eyes do a sweep around at the others waiting in line. In some small corner of your brain you envy her. She looks incredible. You look down at your pilled sweater and well worn shoes and feel an ounce of self loathing. Quietly beating yourself up because you went out looking this way.
The older lady behind you is admiring your own shiny red hair and pretty eyes. Recalling her own youth. She knows the woman in front of you from her social club. What you don't know is that 'impeccably dressed' is near bankruptcy and her husband is in Cancun with a younger lover.
The sunny waitress at the breakfast joint you frequent. Ebullient and energetic. Her life a big giant promise wrapped in a pink bow for her to open. Everyone adores her. She is often the light in the grey morning of her customers. What they don't know is that most nights she goes home, her mother is passed out on the sofa from drowning herself in a bottle of vodka all afternoon. Our sunny waitress's smile belies a very heavy heart.
In places of perfection and light, there may be darkness. In places of darkness, there is always a story.
Where there doesn't seem to be a story at all, a drama is playing itself out. One that you cannot see.
Kindness is a precious commodity.
CJ Ellis
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