The Walk of Life
A long walk and fresh air are elixirs for the soul. Much like a good night's rest, a cleansing cry or a cruise on the back roads of wherever, the long walk provides the best kind of natural therapy life can offer us. The long walk has been my own therapy for almost my entire life --especially when a bottle of cheap wine just wasn't good enough!
Is there anything more restorative than a walk in the fresh air? Whether it be cool Spring air with the birds chirping in song among the trees, hot summer air burning with the sound of praying mantis or the soothing balm of gently rolling waves on a shore----even the ice cold air of Winter that causes you to lose your breath for a moment? If there be anything more pleasurable......I cannot name it here.
Take for instance, a walk with your love. They may be a new love, an old love, a steady love even a clandestine love---is there anything more completely wonderful than a stroll hand in hand with warm conversation or better still, a heady, intense mingling of words? All the while the world spinning around us as she always does and nature playing in tune and going through her own cycles of life brutal and unkind, beautiful and majestic as if in symphony.
Walks heal, restore inner balance and quiet life's worries--if only for a moment. These mini journeys help us find answers, flesh out ideas, expand our thoughts.......find small mercies in a life chaotic.
CJ Ellis
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