Rotten Lover

If one were to look up rotten in the dictionary you'd find the definition suited our protagonist rather perfectly. Silas was indeed "unpleasant, decaying and fowl" in nearly every way except for his soft blue eyes and long lashes. The eyes being the lure to draw people in 'hook, line & sinker" to all that he claimed, said or spewed throughout his illustrious radio career as a disc jockey and as a pied piper for the conspiracy movement he now jumped on the bandwagon for in order to revive a fading life and career.
Silas Boom was his radio moniker and his small pocket of followers affectionately called him "The Boom" for
the commanding, pushy and obnoxious manner he built his legacy on. Age had made him irascible where he used to be kind, revolting where he used to be attractive and repugnant where he used to be charismatic.
Thrice married and now equipped with a voracious appetite for booze and any drug he could get his hands on--his life was a pathetic attempt at a success he would likely never see again as an addict.
He managed to seduce even the most cunning of women who fell easily for his hollow charms and promises.
That was his true power.

He knew instinctively women liked to "fix" things so playing the broken sparrow was a role he found too easy to play. Eventually, though, the time would arrive when these women wanted more substance from him than he could deliver and he went through lovers like Pez candy........leaving in his wake many angry, disillusioned women with a rotten taste in their mouth, literally.
Silas once dumped a woman in an airport for several hours before her flight was to leave simply because she loved him so much and wanted him to stop smoking weed so he could "perform".
Silas Boom was a hollow man. A rotten man. A lackluster lover. An obnoxious fool.

At the end of it all he ended up homeless, begging for money and eating dog food.......his memory still traipsing around in the minds of various women--haunting them relentlessly.

                                                                                                  CJ Ellis


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