
I am always amused by women who rush to trends. Stand in the line of any coffee shop or supermarket and there they are. Walking in small herds carrying the same designer handbag, wearing the same version of a ski jacket and often enough the same haircut on their unimaginative little heads. Usually the same jewelry designer on pin thin wrists and acrylic enhanced fingers.
You'll notice too, the subtle smug visage as well, as if to say " I am somebody, I wear only the best and I fit in". " I run with the elite crowd".

The utter willingness to be a cookie cutter of someone else. To follow the dictates of style measured by the opinions of others. To have no sense of individual style as they climb into identical, gas guzzling SUV's at the local Starbucks or shopping mall.

Like cows making their way out of the barn freshly branded heading into pasture to hang with the rest of the herd. 


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